Joy & Moxie

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Mind Over Matter with Parker: Post 1

I'm thrilled to introduce a new segment hosted by my oldest son, Parker Riley: Mind Over Matter with Parker

This weekend I shared with him that I have a blog and website where I share my thoughts and feelings to help others feel good about themselves. He was super excited (won some of those coveted #coolmom points) and had to immediately go lookup the website. After reading a few of the posts he asked if he could write something to share with my fans and subscribers (yeah, he's totally the you-tuber generation) and I said absolutely.

Below is his first post and I couldn't be more proud 😍 The words are all his and he's hoping he gets a lot of comments and feedback. So, please show him some love!

Mind Over Matter with Parker:

Don’t let others’ words bother you. Their words can get in your head and make you think you can’t do something and then you’d completely give up on yourself. Instead, ignore what they’re saying and think positive. When you think positive, you can do what you’re trying to do and then eventually accomplish your goal. And then when you accomplish your goal, you’ll feel good about yourself and their words won’t matter anymore.

Amidst the many years of parenting stress and chaos, it's hard to know what kind of impact you're having on your kids' lives. Most days, especially during quarantine, the goal is to simply keep them alive. You try and instill your values, you strive to be the best role models, and you try and limit the anger so that the best is remembered. But you're always unsure of it they're picking up everything you're laying down. Until moments like this ... where you get a small glimpse at what's being retained. And you breathe a sigh of relief that the good stuff is sticking and that maybe you're raising decent human beings after all.

We shared his words with our immediate family and as you can guess, he's received rave reviews and is excited to continue sharing more of his thoughts. So, until next time, let this 11-year olds words of wisdom be a guiding light in your mind and in confirmation that our tiny humans are growing into wise young men and women.

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