Joy & Moxie

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Be bold and daring!

“You don’t have time to be timid. You must be bold and daring!” – Lumiere, Beauty & The Beast

Last week we took a family vacation and it never ceases to amaze me how adventurous our kids become - riding the biggest coasters they can, soaking up the environment around them with star-struck wonderment, and never holding back from trying something new. It's a good reminder to the adults accompanying them to relax and be daring too. The years of experience and lessons learned we have accumulated often limits our sight range, when instead, it should expand it to see even more possibilities.

For too many years in my career, I was timid and got in the way of greater success because of:

  • My Personality: my default was to always observe and listen, I wasn't confident in my knowledge, creativity, or self

  • Perfectionism: feeling like if and when I chose to speak, I needed to have the right answer, best or most original answer, or at least a popular one

  • Gender Diversity: working in the male dominated tech field, surrounded by men that would cut you off when you attempted to speak or just didn't take you as seriously

What I've realized over the last handful of years is that diversity and inclusion is what makes individuals, teams, organizations and communities better. Different opinions, perspectives, and experiences combined with the willingness to actively listen and include those in all conversations is what makes us stronger in creating greater outcomes and designing better experiences.

So this week, I challenge you to be #bold and #daring! Share your thoughts and ideas, no matter how different they may be. You'll unlock more potential when you do.

#mondaymotivation #newweek #newattitude #newopportunities #diversityequityandinclusion #humanexperience #cx #ex #disneyworld #vacationmemories